Happy March everyone!
Welcome to all new and veteran art addicts.
This month we have a whopping 12 new pieces and another awesomely bad joke. We made one up about Banksy in our February blog. This month's joke has been stolen from the internet. We think we might make this a recurring feature (the jokes - not the stealing from the internet) – happy dance!
Before we go there, here are a few recent art(ist)-related international events:
If the drugs don’t work...
Damien Hirst has opened a new restaurant in London called Pharmacy 2. OK then.
The Italian Job - but Spanish...
Spanish brothers sell a fake Goya.
Get paid with fake (photocopied) cash by a maybe real sheikh.
Bros try to deposit fake cash into real Swiss bank.
Real Swiss bank, with real Swiss accent tells bros, “You been punked - olé!”
Real Spanish bros have been arrested by real police.
Erect Nipples
The New York Metropolitan Museum of Art recently had Dr. Ruth Westheimer, sex therapist, Holocaust survivor, trained sniper, and memoirist, talk about sexual arousal in art. When asked, “How do I know that she's aroused?" Dr Ruth replied, “Because her nipples are erect, which is an important lesson to be taught."
And most importantly...
On March 1, the National Museum of Women in the Arts (NWMA) launched a social media campaign designed to push women artists to the fore. Coinciding with Women’s History Month, the NWMA is calling on art institutions to join them in sharing information about women artists and hash tagging #5womenartists.
Let’s get stuck in (in bingo lingo)…
The Dirty Dozen
Monkey’s Cousin (huh?)
One and Two
Title: Enchantress No. 1
Artist: A. Selvaraj
Title: Forget Mermaids
Artist: Sarah Hardacre
Title: HRH the Queen (Tongues & Ears Series)
Artist: D*Face
Title: Cachou Lajaunie
Artist: Leonetto Cappiello
Title: Bad Seed III
Artist: Faile
Title: Equus
Artist: Guillaume Azoulay
Title: Luxury Vandals - Kate (Red)
Artist: STATIC
Title: Red Rubber Suit With Handcuffs (WTF Series)
Artist: Dan Witz
Title: The Empress
Artist: Jiang Tie Feng
Title: Lolita Lolly (Black)
Artist: Hush
Title: Jubilation
Artist: Mr Brainwash
Title: Lotus
Artist: Lu Hong
And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for…
Q: How does Salvador Dali start his mornings?
A: With a bowl of "Surreal"
Ok, we’re going now, before you start pelting us with your Picasso’s.
Until next month…
Blair & Elena
Art Junkies xox