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🎥 Lights, Camera, Action 🎬: Behind The Scenes: What Models Say About Working With Renowned Photographer, João de Castro | Vitória

"Relief", 2019

In João’s images, we see women in highly intimate moments, naked and alone but seemingly oblivious to anyone’s gaze. They are stark not only for their high contrast black and white and dramatic lighting but for the obvious free abandon they depict.

“Sometimes I have fully formed ideas in the night and I write them down. Or I have something that sits in the back of my mind for a while. But the magic happens in the studio with the model. I stretch to wherever they want to go. A lot of models I work with tell me how they’ve been able to work through things affecting their life by us working together." ~ João de Castro

Source: João de Castro

“He [João] likes to stretch reality. It’s what really makes me like to work with him because I am always totally me but at the same time I can be everything.” ~ Vitória

The Art Of The Deal...with it!

Word On The Street
02 February 2025

Protest art is a powerful creative expression that catalyses change by addressing political or social issues. By transcending socioeconomic boundaries, art becomes an accessible medium that empowers individuals from all walks of life....
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