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Q. What is Addicted Art Gallery?

Addicted is an art gallery offering new and seasoned collectors a secure platform to acquire works of art.

Q. What are our operating hours?

If you would like to call us, our operating hours are from 10am - 6pm Singapore time, Monday through Saturday. Our contact numbers are +65 9068 2026 (Blair) or +65 8218 1357 (Elena). Alternatively, you can email us at any time and we will reply as soon as possible.

Q. How do I find the artwork I am looking for?

The best place to start is our search engine. You'll find this at the top of every page on our website. If you feel like browsing for a little inspiration, then our Artists, Type, Medium or Price Range filters can help you sample our wide selection of artwork.

Q. Can you help me locate an artwork even if it isn't on your site?

If you are looking for something in particular that is not on our website, please email us at or and let us know. We will try our very best to locate the work for you.

Q. How do I order items from Addicted Art Gallery?

Once you have selected an item to purchase simply click the "Add to Cart" button below the artwork. When you click "Add to Cart", you can either continue shopping, in which case your basket will stay with you, or choose to checkout.

Q. What does POA mean?

POA means Price On Application.

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