G’day Addictees!
Hope this newsletter finds you awesome!
There are some new developments at Chez Addicted so we wanted to give you a head's up and let you know what's going on (yeah what's going on, ah what's going on) alla Marvin Gaye.
Now that we’re almost two, it’s time to shed the Huggies and start wearing our big kid pull-ups. Our website has grown up and evolved to Addicted 2.0 and she's going live on Monday. Bang! - that's a firework going off.
Why fix it if it ain't broke?
Addicted - the OG ("Original Gangster" for those of you who like your abbreviations spelled out) - was not equipped to handle our second exciting announcement of the day. We have an App coming REALLY REALLY REALLY soon. Bang! - second firework just went off.
What's new, Pussycat? Whoa, whoa, What's new, Pussycat? Whoa, whoa...
Glad you asked.
Most of the improvements have been implemented in the backend of the website. The frontend (what you see and where the party happens) will mostly look and feel the same as Addicted #1 but will have a couple of new features (this whole paragraph reads rude). These include ~
A ‘Favourite’ button to um... favourite? If you see a piece that makes you all giggly and wanting, you can click on this - cute as a - button and the artwork will be saved to your account for further lusting or later purchasing.
There are also some formatting changes which include drop-down menus in the FAQ, Care Guide and Blog sections. Our search function has been enhanced with tech botox and, the site has been sprinkled with a little bit of computer Viagra so you experience all round better performance.
The other significant enhancement - and it's a doozy - also the reason we breathe - is the ‘Add to App’ button. You'll need this to add artwork to our App which we're being a little (worst kept) secret squirrel about. Suffice it to say, the Addicted App is designed to make your decision-making process easier when it comes to buying art. More info headed your way in the coming weeks. Stay tuned...

We’ve tested things until only pizza and chocolate could revive us and have unkinked kinks, but if you find the website has a brainfart, please let us know and we’ll do our best to make it right.
Our hope is that Addicted 2.0 will be better than it was before. Better, stronger, faster… (cue Six Million Dollar Man sound).
So, put on your shiny red tracksuit and enjoy getting Addicted!

Blair & El - proud parents of Addicted 2.0
Art Junkies xoxo