New Artist Alert!
Samantha Redfern
Namaste Addictees (because no touching),
How’s everyone doing? As always, we hope you are well and staying safe.
It is our great pleasure to welcome our newest artist, Samantha Redfern and her 'Cityscapes' series to Casa Addicted.
Samantha, an abstract expressionist artist, hails from the UK. Growing up, she shared a passion for art with her father and was surround by his artworks which adorned the walls of the family home.
Art was always a favourite pastime and a strong part of her education. In 2004, Samantha graduated with honours in a Fine Art degree from Bath Spa University.
It wasn’t until the family moved to Singapore that Samantha was able to fully embrace her a career in art. In 2019, she was signed to her first gallery.
Samantha draws inspiration from her surroundings. Living in the affectionately dubbed “Garden City”, her work is her own abstract take on the buildings and the lush, tropical greenery of Singapore. Using a combination of gestural, impulsive movements, layering and detailed work, Samantha has a style that is all her own.
Samantha has participated in a number of art fairs and exhibitions across Asia and her works can be found in many private collections across the region. She was also recently featured in Tatler Singapore magazine.
We met Samantha at our Tinker Brothers exhibition last October and it was love at first sight.
A little about the 'Cityscapes' series...
“They’ve just sort of evolved. Maybe I can trace it back to college days… a big part of my A Level work was city photography. I love architecture and its effect on the psyche and I loved capturing it in images. But I hadn’t put it on canvas until now. Here, the jungle is always just being kept at bay and can creep in at any moment. I love that.
"I like exploring how the jungle is never far from the city, a character always creeping in. I haven’t populated my cityscape paintings with figures yet, but I already see humanity present in the structures. To me it’s been more about the clash and conversation between the wild jungle and the urban landscape.” ~ Samantha Redfern
We hope you enjoy her 'Cityscapes' series as much as we do.

"Happy City", Acrylic on canvas, 2019
Arty-Fact: “I often get feedback that the colours I choose for my paintings make people feel positive, optimistic, happy and relaxed. When I used to paint a portrait of say, someone’s child or pet, I always found the most rewarding part of the process was the reaction from the receiver. When people say my paintings move them or have a positive effect on someone this for me is so important. I didn’t want to lose that connection by painting non-personal subject matter. To know I can still bring people joy with my work is everything. l like to bring people happiness.” ~ Samantha Redfern

"The City That Never Sleeps", Acrylic on Genie canvas, 2019
Arty-Fact: "As a mum in the UK I rarely got the chance to do the things I enjoyed like painting, socialising etc. When we moved to Singapore that changed. Suddenly I could go out for 'ladies night' drinks or dinner on a rooftop bar with my husband. This is the city I love. The city that has allowed me to live my best life. I am a mum, I am a wife, I am a friend, I am an independent woman and I am an artist.” ~ Samantha Redfern

"Garden City", Acrylic and graphite on Genie canvas, 2019
Arty-Fact: “I love painting large artworks. My first experience with this was during my time at college where I painted an enormous copy of Monet’s 'Woman With A Parasol'. Monet has been an influence for me. Before I began to explore abstract works, my style was more impressionistic.” ~ Samantha Redfern

"Summer In The City", Acrylic on canvas, 2019
Arty-Fact: “It’s always summer in Singapore. I love it! It’s not for everyone but it is for me! I love the blue skies, the lush greenery and vibrant tropical flowers. All the colours you see in my paintings I see around me in Singapore. It’s urban meets jungle. One minute you can be in the heart of the city, the next you can be walking through the rainforest accompanied by the sounds of nature and more than a few wild monkeys.” ~ Samantha Redfern

"Burning Sky", Acrylic and graphite on Genie canvas, 2020
Arty-Fact: “In Singapore it gets light and dark at the same time all year round. We do have sunrise and sunset skies but they are nothing like the ones we get back home in the UK. The best thing about painting is I can just make anything I want. The possibilities are endless. I’ve always had a vivid imagination and I often write poetry and have written a few children’s stories too. My children used to demand I make one up on the spot for their bedtime story. Children definitely keep your imagination alive. I love to bring a sense of narrative and creativity into my paintings.” ~ Samantha Redfern

"Atlantis City", Acrylic on Genie canvas, 2020
Arty-Fact: "As a water sign I am drawn to the ocean. I paint a lot of seascapes as I find them a great way to express my emotions. People have said my work sometimes has an “under water” quality to it. I love that.” ~ Samantha Redfern

"Lilac City", Acrylic on Genie canvas, 2020
Arty-Fact: “I enjoy using pastel colours. I’m a big lover of pinks and purples. In Singapore, we have the most ornate, beautifully coloured shophouses. Although all of my buildings come straight from my imagination, my own personal interpretation of the Singapore shophouse makes appearances in my artworks.” ~ Samantha Redfern

"City Of Fortune", Acrylic on Genie canvas, 2020
Arty-Fact: “Red will always be a colour I associate with Singapore. Chinese New Year brings lots of red and gold. The whole country is awash with it. Red is seen as a colour of fortune and prosperity. Red is festive and celebratory.” ~ Samantha Redfern

"Neon City", Acrylic on Genie canvas, 2020
Arty-Fact: Samantha grew up in a quiet town where she spent a lot of her childhood playing in the woods. Her first real city experience was when she moved to Bath to study Fine Art. She then moved back to a small village surrounded by fields, feeling more at home as a country girl. Fast forward to the present, Samantha lives on the green outskirts of the bustling Orchard Road in Singapore. Well and truly a converted city girl.

"Let's Go Raving", Acrylic on canvas, 2020
Arty-Fact: "This was painted during the Covid-19 lockdown. I am missing the freedom to go out. Once we have beaten this virus together (by staying home), I will celebrate with friends and loved ones and enjoy an evening admiring the vibrant city of Singapore once more. And maybe even go raving!" ~ Samantha Redfern
Sweet baby canvas Gods! What sorcery be this?
In case you're wondering what a Genie Canvas is, check out this quick video and be amazed. When you buy one of Samantha's works on this magic canvas, this is what'll you need to do.
Abracadabra! Expecto Patronum (sort of)! Poof! Canvas ready.
Get in touch with us at or if you'd like additional information about Samantha's vibrant works. If you're not sure about size (a bit like our pants at the moment), you can try before you buy by using our App, See It On Your Wall - awesome sauce!
OK art lovers, that's it from us for this episode. We're off to check out what's in the fridge (again). Probably should comb our hair and put some pants on while we're at it... nah.
Until the next one, letting it all hang out 🤟
Blair & El xoxo