Good morning! Good morning Addictees!
It's wonderful to be here. It's certainly a thrill, it's... March 😫
And what a wonderful March it's going to be for this bargain hunter... While most of us would buy a bowl to serve up some Coco Pops or, you know, give your kid a haircut, one discerning shopper picked up a little blue and white number thinking, "Cornflakes? No. Ming!" This little Dynasty gem, bought for a whopping $35 at a flea market, could realise up to USD 500,000 at auction next month. Our chicken hearts are all aflutter, waiting to see how much this beauty will fetch (as we quietly sob in a corner and wonder why our bowls aren't worth a fortune).
Welcome to this week's? Month's? Year's? 😳 Art Fix. We've been a little wonky with our blogs so far this year. Some of you are thanking God, while others, we hope, are suffering withdrawal symptoms. For those of you jonesing for a fix, may I introduce to you, the act you've known for all these years, Sir Peter Blake (you'll get it in a sec if you haven't already).
Sir Peter Thomas Blake (born 25 June 1932) is an English pop artist known for co-creating (with his then wife, Jann Haworth) the sleeve design for The Beatles' 1967 album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. The Sgt. Pepper's sleeve has since become iconic pop art, much imitated and Blake's most famous work.
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Sgt Pepper in 2007, Sir Peter Blake and Apple Corps Ltd agreed to make the album artwork available for art lovers and collectors.
His other most known works include the covers for two of The Who's albums, the cover of the Band Aid single "Do They Know It's Christmas?" and the Live Aid concert poster. Blake also designed the 2012 Brit Awards statuette.
In 2002 he was knighted at Buckingham Palace for his services to art.
"You simply can't make art without having that history of art behind you, and I think if you asked any artist, they would always say they had learned from previous art. Perhaps I show that more than most in that I often appropriate art and quote from it."
~ Sir Peter Blake
It was 20 (actually 54) years ago (not) today Sergeant Pepper taught the band to play...
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

"Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", 24 colour silkscreen on 410gsm Somerset archival paper, embossed logo of The Beatles’ record label (Apple Records), 2007
The Beatles: Yellow Submarine, 1968
"A proto-jukebox musical that turned pop stars into pop art" ~ Rolling Stone Magazine
The Plot: Pepperland is a cheerful, music-loving paradise under the sea, home to Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. They are under siege by the Blue Meanies, a nasty group of music-hating creatures. The Lord Mayor of Pepperland (Dick Emery) dispatches sailor Old Fred (Lance Percival) to Liverpool, England, where he is to recruit the help of The Beatles (John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr). The sympathetic Beatles ride a yellow submarine to the occupied Pepperland, where the Blue Meanies have no chance against the Fab Four's groovy tunes.
Like what you see? You know the drill, send us a postcard, drop us a line, at or stating point of view. Indicate precisely what you mean to say, Yours sincerely... ok forget it.
Until the next one (hopefully next week), off to double-check our bowls from the Kmart Dynasty 🍜
You're such a lovely audience, we'd like to take you home with us...
Blair & El xoxo