"Follow Me" by Jennifer Chalklen, Oil and digital elements on canvas, 2018
Tena koutou Addictees!
We have a new artist and an invitation to a virtual exhibition!
It is with great pleasure that we introduce Addicted’s newest family member, Jennifer Chalklen whose “…hobbies mainly include; taking naps and trying to find where I put my hairbrush.”
The Singapore-based, New Zealand born Jennifer (whose hair may or not be brushed) is a contemporary realist artist who is mostly self-taught. Her works are a journey into whimsy, delicate and beautiful, reflective and poignant.
Jennifer developed a strong interest in realistic portraiture during her five years of living in Jakarta, Indonesia. Despite the chaos and abject poverty, Jennifer observed a quiet pulse of connectedness through acts of kindness, cultural nuances and the Islamic religious practices, which acted as an antidote to the disorder of the city, and an identity of togetherness within diversity.
Her works display symbolism and imagery which act as a conjoint to invisible concepts that contain reflections of beauty, and act as visual explanations that are relatable across communication barriers.
To learn more about this artist who cries during airplane movies and kitten food commercials click here.
In the meantime…
You are cordially invited

Our first ever virtual exhibition is here and Jennifer has kindly offered to be the guinea pig. Geography or having nothing to wear is not an issue for our internationally located / wardrobe challenged Addictees.
Jennifer’s exhibition “Invisible Spaces” kicks off today. Crack open your box of vino, get yourself some cheese and crackers, click Invisible Spaces and enjoy the virtual exhibition experience.
Jennifer's works can be viewed in Singapore by appointment. For our international Addictees, you can see her works on your wall by using our App.
Warm up your mouse clicking finger and pop into the exhibition now.
Until the next one...
Virtually Blair & El xoxo